The Black Hill Poultry And Husbandry
Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
Phone Number
Poultry Shop located at Plot No. 760, The Black Hill Poultry And Husbandry, Kathal More - Argora - Ranchi Rd, Near Sarna Maidan, Dhipatoli, Pundag, Ranchi, Jharkhand 834004, India.
Open 24 Hours
Plot No. 760, The Black Hill Poultry And Husbandry, Kathal More - Argora - Ranchi Rd, Near Sarna Maidan, Dhipatoli, Pundag, Ranchi, Jharkhand 834004, India
Photos (3)
Frequently Asked Questions
Where is The Black Hill Poultry And Husbandry located?
The Black Hill Poultry And Husbandry is located at Plot No. 760, The Black Hill Poultry And Husbandry, Kathal More - Argora - Ranchi Rd, Near Sarna Maidan, Dhipatoli, Pundag, Ranchi, Jharkhand 834004, India
How can The Black Hill Poultry And Husbandry be contacted?
The Black Hill Poultry And Husbandry can be contacted via phone, whatsapp, email or send a message.
Is The Black Hill Poultry And Husbandry accessible by public transport?
Yes, The Black Hill Poultry And Husbandry is accessible by public transport. Please check local transport routes for more details.
Are there any nearby landmarks?
Yes, there are several landmarks nearby. Please ask the staff or refer the address for more information.
What are the best visiting hours?
The best visiting hours may vary. It is advisable to check ahead, especially during peak seasons.
Is there parking available nearby?
Parking options may be available nearby. Please check for parking details when planning your visit.
What types of poultry do you raise?
The farm raises a variety of poultry, including chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese, with a focus on healthy breeding practices.
Are your poultry products organic?
Yes, the farm follows organic farming practices, ensuring healthy, free-range poultry and high-quality eggs.
Can I buy chickens or eggs from the farm?
Yes, chickens, eggs, and other poultry products are available for purchase directly from the farm.
Do you sell poultry for commercial purposes?
Yes, the farm supplies poultry for both small-scale and commercial use, including egg production and breeding.
Do you offer poultry farming advice?
Yes, expert advice is available on poultry care, breeding, and farming practices for both beginners and experienced farmers.
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